Saturday, September 08, 2012
요즘 생활
안녕하세요! 오랜간만임돠~ ㅋㅋ
저는 뭐... 바쁘지않구요... 않지만 할일 너무 많더라구요 ㅠㅠ
요즘은 저 화장품을 팔았어요. 한국에서 오는 화장품! ㅋㅋ 에뛰드 하우스, 미쌰, 토니모리, 스킨푸드, 또 뭐지.. 움.. 바피펫도 팔구요 ㅋㅋㅋ 원래 인도네시아에서, 한국 화장품을 너무 너무 비싸거든요.. 예를들면, 한국에서 9000원인데, 여기서 아마 21000-22000원 (168000루피아) ㅠㅠ 얼마나 비싼건지... 못사라 ㅋㅋ
저를 위해서, 화이팅!!
돈 모아야돼... 없음 못 살겠다 ㅋㅋㅋ 빨리 모야!
여러분, 읽고주셔서 감사함돠~! ㅋㅋ
my life
Friday, August 31, 2012
Masih inget kan waktu itu gue pernah ngepost daftar wish list make up gue... ada salah satu yang berhasil kebeli dengan susah payah. ini satu-satunya barang yang sampe mampir ke mimpi gue, tandanya emang harus dibeli ya hahahah.
Dan akhirnya, mencomot dari lapak sendiri....
Introducing..... Sleek Oh So Special 12shades palette
warnanya cakep-cakep bangeeeettttttttttt.. ada beberapa warnanya yang gue udah punya (Organza, The Mail, Boxed, Noir) tapi selebihnya belum.
Plus nya :
* super pigmented! dipake w/o eyeshadow base juga tetep keliatan warnanya.
* tahan lama. walopun 6-7jam udah crease
* pilihan warnanya banyak. masih ada 8 palette kaya gini
* warnanya keluar banget. sesuai sama yang di palette
* termasuk murah, dapet 12 warna yang pigmented kaya gini. dibawah 300 ribu.
Minus nya :
* kuasnya so-so. tapi lumayan juga sih, walaupun agak keras teksturnya
* butiran-butiran eyeshadownya beleber keluar-keluar, harus rajin dibersihin
overall : SUKA BANGET
rating : 9/10
repurchased : YES! another palette.
beli dimana?
PS : swatches nya menyusul yaaaa XD
Intan.Sunday, July 29, 2012
Mau ngereview dikit nih, L.A COLORS 12 EYESHADOW in shades DIVA. Awalnya gue tertarik beli karna warnanya lucu-lucu.. diantara warna lainnya ini yang paling lucu. selama ini belum punya palette purple series gini, akhirnya beli deh. PO sih. harganya 48ribu *di lapak sendiri*
Pas dateng gue super duper seneng banget, "asikkk punya palette baru" gue mikirnya gitu.
pas gue buka plastiknya, lucu packagingnya, kecil mungil gitu praktis dibawa-bawa.
pas gue buka tutup eyeshadownya, bau wangi muncul. wangi bedak gitu nyengat abis baunya. gak suka kan gue, paling ga suka sama eyeshadow wangi.
pas gue swatch di tangan, boro-boro deh, keluar warnanya aja engga. sangat tidak pigmented.
liat foto di atas, itu gue swatch pake nyx jep milk.
dan sekarang ga pernah gue pake lagi. kalau adaa yang berminat, silakan. gue lego deh 30ribu aja :D
(ini udah pake etude house proof 10 primer sama nyx jep milk, tp menurut gue warnanya masih kurang keluar)
overall : 2/5
repurchase? no.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Semenjak jadi bencong (a.k.a banci dandan) sekarang gue jadi maniak sama make up and tools nya. ya berharap aja gitu semoga ada yang mau ngasih duit 71Milyar gue beli se Sephora hahaha (emak gue mimpi si bokap kerja dapet proyek bonus nya 71M, tapi kerjanya di kebon binatang. terus jadi momok-an deh sekeluarga hahaha)
harus nabung keras, jualan giat *btw gue skrg jualan make up juga. korean make up, usa make up* unyu banget gak sih :') murah yang jelas lebih murah dari counter.
terus semenjak gue sering melanglang buana ke Female Daily racun bencong nya menyebar ke gue, jadi keranjingan mantengin Sephora Sasa Ulta. duh gawat!
ya sekedar share aja sih....
berikut ini adalah wish list gue... gak ngerti cara dapetinnya gimana yang jelas salah satu (atau semuanya) harus bisa kebeli sama gue. SE-MANG-AT!
1. Bare Minerals Original SPF 15 Foundation + Mini Kabuki + Primer. Ada yang jual sih di Market Plaza FD harganya 100ribu mudah2an beneran segitu harganya. astagaaa BM gitu loh!
2. Sleek palette. salah satu palette eye shadow yang sukses bikin gue jadi kayak anak abg labil. masalah nya si palette ini lucu2 banget warnanya. yang gue incer, Oh So Special, Storm sama Original. ada yang jual ready stock, harganya 138ribu-an. lumayan bgt. gue baca review nya bagus2. very pigmented.
3. Felt Tip Liner. apa pun itu. yang jelas harus smudgeproof water proof no flaking crumple creasy etc. lagi ngincer Dolly Wink liquid liner tapi mahal bgt harganyaaa :( pengen nyobe milani eye tech extreme liquid liner juga. tuh semuanya aja gue coba2. abisan gak tahan cyin hahahaa
4. Coastal Scent 88 original. no need to say. kalo beli palette ini bisa deh gue gak belanja kosmetik (eyeshadow) 3taun.
5. ELF powder brush and blending brush. mayan murah sih, 35rb per brush. bisa beli 3 atau 4 brush ya berati *bencong brush*
Ya pokoknya intinya semuanya pengen, tapi...... duitnya itu loh. hahaha :|
my life
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Green Aqua Smokey Eyes Tutorial
Hi Everyone, I ~~~ have another eye make up tutorial which is... Green Aqua Smokey Eyes Tutorial. The reason I made this tutorial is because, I just bought new cream eyeshadow by NYX in Aqua shades. It has a beautifuuuuuuulllll color with blue mixed green. So anyway if you want to know how it's done then please keep scrolling!^^
That's it! Thank you for reading my blog and please stay tune cuz I'll be back with another tutorial.
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Simple Smokey Eyes Tutorial
Hi everyone, been busy lately *yes I always say busy instead of lazy :P*
I have an eye makeup tutorial to share with you. This look is Simple Smokey eyes tutorial. I use brown eyeshadow instead of black. If you really want to know how to do this then please scroll scroll scroll :D
makeup tutorial
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Nikah Muda? Yes or No?
Gue tau ini agak-agak random ketika gue udah lama banget gak nulis dan tetiba aja gue nulis tentang topik yang agak-agak sensitif ini :P *maapin yak*
denger kata-kata nikah muda, apa sih yang pertama kali lo pikirin? kalo gak MBA, butuh sokongan dana, takut zina, paksaan orang tua, di jodohin... what else? ya kalo dipikir-pikir secara kasat mata sih enak ya kayanya, gak usah kerja, diem aja dirumah, ongkang-ongkang kaki nunggu suami gajian. ya kan?
jujur gue dulu sempet mikir begini. kayaknya nikah muda enak yah. yaaa kira-kira umur 24-25 lah gue pengen nikah muda. biar jarak gue sama anak gue gak terlalu jauh.
but for the past years, something big changed my mind. setelah gue mikir mikir mikir dan mikir lebih dalam, ternyata belum selamanya enak. kalo gue pribadi, ngurusin diri sendiri masih belum bener, nyuci nyapu ngepel kalo gak disuruh juga males, nyetrika bisa tapi gak bisa ngelipetnya, masak.... bisa sih, tapi ya paling goreng nugget. bersih-bersih rumah, ngelapin debu? jangan tanya deh :p
gue masih pengen kerja menghasilkan duit dari hasil keringet gue sendiri. gue masih pengen punya bisnis sendiri, gue masih pengen jalan-jalan sendiri, masih pengen beli dolce vita pake duit sendiri *ini opo toh* ya pokoknya masih pengen melakukan sesuatu yang bisa dilakuin sendirian. i'm not picky sih, tapi lebih selektif aja. so that's why, rare AB+ hihihi :p
gue sih pasrah aja, jodoh udah ada yang ngatur. tapi sekarang itu bukan prioritas utama gue. prioritas gue sekarang ......... *jengjeng* bisnis! bisnis is bisnis. <3
denger kata-kata nikah muda, apa sih yang pertama kali lo pikirin? kalo gak MBA, butuh sokongan dana, takut zina, paksaan orang tua, di jodohin... what else? ya kalo dipikir-pikir secara kasat mata sih enak ya kayanya, gak usah kerja, diem aja dirumah, ongkang-ongkang kaki nunggu suami gajian. ya kan?
jujur gue dulu sempet mikir begini. kayaknya nikah muda enak yah. yaaa kira-kira umur 24-25 lah gue pengen nikah muda. biar jarak gue sama anak gue gak terlalu jauh.
but for the past years, something big changed my mind. setelah gue mikir mikir mikir dan mikir lebih dalam, ternyata belum selamanya enak. kalo gue pribadi, ngurusin diri sendiri masih belum bener, nyuci nyapu ngepel kalo gak disuruh juga males, nyetrika bisa tapi gak bisa ngelipetnya, masak.... bisa sih, tapi ya paling goreng nugget. bersih-bersih rumah, ngelapin debu? jangan tanya deh :p
gue masih pengen kerja menghasilkan duit dari hasil keringet gue sendiri. gue masih pengen punya bisnis sendiri, gue masih pengen jalan-jalan sendiri, masih pengen beli dolce vita pake duit sendiri *ini opo toh* ya pokoknya masih pengen melakukan sesuatu yang bisa dilakuin sendirian. i'm not picky sih, tapi lebih selektif aja. so that's why, rare AB+ hihihi :p
gue sih pasrah aja, jodoh udah ada yang ngatur. tapi sekarang itu bukan prioritas utama gue. prioritas gue sekarang ......... *jengjeng* bisnis! bisnis is bisnis. <3
Monday, April 02, 2012
Hi people! Firstly I wanna say..... IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME!!!!! I just logged in since I've reset all my password. My short term memories is my problem now lol. Since I have tons of social media and I couldn't even remember the password one by one. :P
Okay, so last months (exactly 2 months ago) my besties Siszy went to Korea *envy envy* and we have a Korean friend name Sunjung Unnie. She's so kind, nice, and I usually talking about make up stuffs, gossiping, and much more :P we (me and Siszy) really want to give her a good indonesian stuff so I decided to give her Batik Dress and it suited her very well!! :D
And She gave us some presents too which is I'm very like it!
Okay, so last months (exactly 2 months ago) my besties Siszy went to Korea *envy envy* and we have a Korean friend name Sunjung Unnie. She's so kind, nice, and I usually talking about make up stuffs, gossiping, and much more :P we (me and Siszy) really want to give her a good indonesian stuff so I decided to give her Batik Dress and it suited her very well!! :D
And She gave us some presents too which is I'm very like it!
*I've got a letter too*
*OMG LOOK! It's Skin Malgeum and sample of collagen moistfull from Etude House*
*Diary, Pen, and sticker* uberly cuteee!
I will definitely use this :)
I've been using skin malgeum for about a months alongside with collagen moistfull. but I read in some article that collagen moistfull is for normal dry skin. So It doesn't suit my acne super oily skin :(
I also told Siszy to buy me some cosmetics from Etude house which I'll be review on the next post.
Now I really totally understand when Sunjung Unnie said "인탄아, 에뛰드 좀 별로야..." lol :D
my life
Friday, February 24, 2012
여러분 안녕하세요!! 아.. 참 오랜만이죠?! 저 지금 방학 중인데요... 매일 매일 그냥 집에만 있어서 너무 심심해요. 제가 어제 GPA를 받았어요. 3.55점 인데요.좀 실망이거든요 왜나면 제가 예전에 3.7점은 받았는데 아주 기뻤어요. 아이구.....다음에도 열심히 해야겠어요ㅠ-ㅠ
암튼 이번 주에는 빅뱅 새 앨번 (5집) 나왔어요. "블루" 라는 제목 아주 잘 어울여요. 진짜 빅뱅의 스타일인데요 ㅋㅋㅋ 아.... 특히 승현오빠도 완전 잘 생기나왔죠!!
나 좀 바빠서 그럼 이만!
암튼 이번 주에는 빅뱅 새 앨번 (5집) 나왔어요. "블루" 라는 제목 아주 잘 어울여요. 진짜 빅뱅의 스타일인데요 ㅋㅋㅋ 아.... 특히 승현오빠도 완전 잘 생기나왔죠!!
나 좀 바빠서 그럼 이만!
Friday, February 10, 2012
여러분.. 좋아하는 사람이 있으면.. 어떻게 할까요? 고백 할거예요 ?
저는.. 지금 좋아하는 사람이 있어요. 있어지만 그남자는 얘기 안할거예요 왜나면 ..
제가 고등학생 있을때, 2학년이였는데 그 남자 좋았어요. 인터넷으로 (채팅방 같은 웹사이트) 만났어요. 처음에는 전 관심이 없어요. 우리 매일 매일 채팅한거, 많은 주제가 얘기했어요. 진짜 똑똑한 사람이에요.
고등학교있을 때 전 17살이였어 그 남자는 5년차이였는데. 22살이였어요. 제가 아직 어린이니까, 진짜 사랑의 의미가 아직 잘 모르겠어지만 그 오빠는 고백했어요. "오빠, 난 오빠를 좋아해." 라고 말했어는데요. 그 오빠는 너무 깜짝 놀랐어는데 그래서 그 오빠는 그냥 "어..아.. 그래"라고 했어요. 진짜 어색한 상황있었어요.
사실은 그 오빠랑 옛날 여친이랑 헤어줬어요. 5년 사귀면 다음에 헤어면 마음에 너무 아파요. 전 그때 너무 질투했어서 제가 "오빠야.. 그 여자 그냥 잊어보려! 나만 봐. 보면 안돼? 오빠한테 난 뭐야? 그냥 친한 동생이지? 그래 알겠어. 이렇게 고백한거 너무 바보같아서 미안해." 저 진짜 화났어요 그때. 그래서 그 오빠는 "그게 아니라.. 난 그냥..힘들겠어..." 오빠가 말없었어요.
"우리 사귀면 어때?" 오빠가 저한테 물어봤어요. 전 또 화났어요. "아니야 싫어!!" 제가 어떻게 사귀여요? 오빠의 마은 저거 아닌데요 ㅠ-ㅠ
전 약속 만들었어요. 그 남자는 5년 기다릴거예요. 저 지금 4년동안 기다리고있어요. 꼭 참아야돼요! 너무 불쌍한짖 알아지만.. 어쩔수 없어요 ㅜ-ㅜ. 힘들지만..... 항상 기다려요.
오빠의 마음은 저 한테 좀 열어주세요!!!
파즈릴 오빠.
저는.. 지금 좋아하는 사람이 있어요. 있어지만 그남자는 얘기 안할거예요 왜나면 ..
제가 고등학생 있을때, 2학년이였는데 그 남자 좋았어요. 인터넷으로 (채팅방 같은 웹사이트) 만났어요. 처음에는 전 관심이 없어요. 우리 매일 매일 채팅한거, 많은 주제가 얘기했어요. 진짜 똑똑한 사람이에요.
고등학교있을 때 전 17살이였어 그 남자는 5년차이였는데. 22살이였어요. 제가 아직 어린이니까, 진짜 사랑의 의미가 아직 잘 모르겠어지만 그 오빠는 고백했어요. "오빠, 난 오빠를 좋아해." 라고 말했어는데요. 그 오빠는 너무 깜짝 놀랐어는데 그래서 그 오빠는 그냥 "어..아.. 그래"라고 했어요. 진짜 어색한 상황있었어요.
사실은 그 오빠랑 옛날 여친이랑 헤어줬어요. 5년 사귀면 다음에 헤어면 마음에 너무 아파요. 전 그때 너무 질투했어서 제가 "오빠야.. 그 여자 그냥 잊어보려! 나만 봐. 보면 안돼? 오빠한테 난 뭐야? 그냥 친한 동생이지? 그래 알겠어. 이렇게 고백한거 너무 바보같아서 미안해." 저 진짜 화났어요 그때. 그래서 그 오빠는 "그게 아니라.. 난 그냥..힘들겠어..." 오빠가 말없었어요.
"우리 사귀면 어때?" 오빠가 저한테 물어봤어요. 전 또 화났어요. "아니야 싫어!!" 제가 어떻게 사귀여요? 오빠의 마은 저거 아닌데요 ㅠ-ㅠ
전 약속 만들었어요. 그 남자는 5년 기다릴거예요. 저 지금 4년동안 기다리고있어요. 꼭 참아야돼요! 너무 불쌍한짖 알아지만.. 어쩔수 없어요 ㅜ-ㅜ. 힘들지만..... 항상 기다려요.
오빠의 마음은 저 한테 좀 열어주세요!!!
파즈릴 오빠.
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Call me Make Up Addict
Happy late new year 2012!
I am sorry I didn't write too much.I just finish my final exam and now I'm enjoying (not really enjoy) my one and half month holiday. Actually I really like school holiday season but sometimes I found it not so interesting. I mean, I don't have any plan during vacation so I just stay at home. watching tv, browsing internet, eating, yoga class, gym, and... yeah T_T
I currently in love with Make Up!!! Eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush on, lipstick, concealer, bb cream, any kind of it. I feel I could be a Pro lol!
So here, I'd like to give you some information. what kind of make up and what kind of brand that I usually use when I'm doing some basic make up. here we go!!! >.<
1. Sunblock base. I use sunblock from my own doctor. It really good to protect your skin from UV. I use this since I was in senior high.
2. After applying sunblock, I use Missha BB Cream No. 21 all around my face. It helps you to blemishes your skin, acne and black spot. Your skin will looks so clean and fresh. BB Cream (Blemish Balm Cream) is all in one product.
3. Then, I apply some concealer under my eyes and eyelid. If you want it you can use to cover your black spot or acne. I use La Pensse concealer. bought it at make up store for 42000IDR (4.8USD)
photo credit : dinomarket
4. I thought my base make up is all done. Then for finishing, I use our local (Indonesian make up product) named Wardah. it's a compact powder and I use the Ivory one. it's so smooth and really good for covering your oily skin. I forgot how much I bought it but I think it cost 27000IDR (3USD) If I'm not mistaken :D
photo source : tokowardah
5. Because of my slanted eyes -_- I used dark color of eyeshadow such as dark purple, dark brown and dark red gray eyeshadow. It really helps me to make my eyes look bigger and vividly. I use Wardah dark brown series and dark purple series.
photo source : kaskus
6. It's eyeliner time. Dunno why I'm so crazy about eyeliner. I have at least 4 different eyeliner. pencil eyeliner, liquid eyeliner, spidol eyeliner and wanna buy gel eyeliner lol >.<
Because I have a small and (almost) monolid eyes, so I really focus with eyeliner. I like black strong eyeliner. with upper lid eyes, I use liquid eyeliner from My Darling (It's really cheap. 11000IDR or 1.3USD) but I am a bit dissapointed. they say it waterproof but when i sweat a little it will smuge. the only way is I have to wait until it dry -_-"
(NOT RECOMMENDED!! the color isn't black at all and get dry easily. even before I use it)
For my under line eye, I use pencil black eyeliner from Pixy (local product) and stardust liquid eyeliner from ELF. Although the waterproof eyeliner doesn't really good but the liquid eyeliner are so amazing!!
photo source :
7. I'm not a fan of lipstick. everyday I just use lipgloss from Opera. But I recommend Wardah exclusive lipstick no. 33 peach brown. It's a natural color and not make your lips looks so bold. :D
photos source : natassia journal
8. I seldom use mascara (except for party or special occasion) but I use Maybelline volum express. not reall story --" I prefer use the other one (Magnum Volum Express)
9. eyebrow pencil. not really use it since i still have eye brow :P but I use Viva eyebrow pencil (it's local product and VERY GOOD!!)
10. For the last, I use Body Shop Bronzer as a blush on, shimmering and finishing make up. I mean this bronzer is really helpfull and all in one. It has a glittery powder that makes my face looks shining :D
PS : Don't forget to come to my BIG MAGAZINE. Curvies and plus size woman, that's your place!!!
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