Friday, October 21, 2011


Hahaha so this is what my friends told me a couple days ago.

Do you still remember the man and I've told you in the previous post? 
My friend said that he's been caught keep an eye to me. stare at me while asking for mineral water. omg this is so epic. I'm not over confident but that's the truth.
And today I attended a substitute class and there was him! And when I looked back to asked my friend, I stole a glance to him and he was stare at me too. what a coincidence LOL XD

Anyway don't take too serious cuz this is just my mood booster..
You (Especially GOD) knows who've been stole my heart for a very long time. :P
HAVE A NICE WEEKEND (though I still have one class to attend and it's tomorrow. sigh!)

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